School will resume, as planned, on Monday, October 12, following the 2-week closure of Houghton County Schools by the Western Upper Peninsula Health Department. Welcome back, everyone!
The Upper Peninsula has been moved to a Phase 4 level, and the MDHHS is requiring all in our region to wear masks. Because this order includes children in schools, this means that all students, even K-2 students who had previously been exempted by parents from wearing masks in the classroom, must now wear a mask throughout the entire school day. The only exceptions now permitted are for students with a doctor-signed exemption form on file. Because our return-to-school plan was created to function for both Phase 5 and Phase 4, no other changes will be required for our school.
We are so glad to be coming back together, in person, on Monday morning.
Reminder: All students/families who borrowed school Chromebooks must return them and their cords to the school office by 9 a.m. Monday, Oct. 12. Thank you!
Please see the attached pdf below for more information on the Michigan Health Department's emergency order.