Parent Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information

Please see diagram above to understand how to do morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, and where to park, now that we have a new parking lot!
See orange line. Parents, to drop off your child, pull forward to the end of the drop-off area and have your child exit your vehicle directly onto the school sidewalk. Do not stop on the crosswalk. Do not leave your vehicle. After you have dropped off your child, you may enter the parking lot and exit at the far corner. (No U-turns.)
Parents, to pick up your child after school, park in the parking lot (not along the school sidewalk). Park in the spaces in the first row, if available. Keep an eye out for your child, then meet him/her and walk him/her to your vehicle.
See blue line. Enter the parking lot from Lake Street, using the entrance closest to school. Park in the middle rows. Later, exit the lot using the Lake Street exit. Follow a one-way path through the parking lot.
School bus drop-off and pick-up will happen on Maple St. this year.