Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
We at DB-TC know that schools can only be successful when they help students to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. In order for this to happen, it is important that we establish a safe environment. It is our goal to create an atmosphere for learning by setting clear expectations and directly teaching students these expectations/rules. Using the PBIS framework helps us to create a positive, safe environment for all of our students.
In the elementary school, PBIS focuses on the “SPARK” acronym: Safe, Problem-solving, Always respectful, Responsible Kids.
PBIS is an evidence-based framework for addressing student behavior and discipline which schools have been successfully using for decades. When behavior problems do occur, adults respond in ways that promote the learning of appropriate behaviors and help restore what may have been lost due to the behavior incident and/or work to “make things right.”