Technology Use Policy
DB-TC Acceptable Use of Technology/Electronic Resources Policy
Teachers, staff, and students at DB-TC Area Schools use a variety of electronic resources and access the internet for educational and informational purposes. DB-TC has in place a robust web filter which prevents students from accessing inappropriate material. We also employ a faculty member to monitor student internet activity and alert the principal if students attempt to access inappropriate content. Each user of the internet must recognize his/her responsibility in accessing its vast services, sites, systems, and people.
Institutional Rights and Responsibilities
Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools has the right to allocate resources in accordance with our district policy.
DB-TC Area Schools has the right to establish policies and procedures which govern the use and security of electronic resources. This may include disciplinary restriction of computer access.
DB-TC Area Schools has the right to review files to restore system integrity and ensure the system is being used responsibly.
DB-TC Area Schools has a responsibility to respect the privacy of individuals whenever possible.
Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools has a responsibility to provide equal access to all users of electronic data.
DB-TC Area Schools has a responsibility to train and support students and staff to effectively use information technology.
Individual Rights and Responsibilities
User access to electronic resources shall not be denied without just cause.
All users have ownership rights over their own intellectual works.
All users have the right to be informed of policies pertaining to the use of electronic resources.
Each user is responsible for refraining from acts that waste time and resources or prevent others from using electronic resources.
Each user is responsible for respecting the privacy rights of other users, respecting the equipment, respecting the diversity of opinions, avoiding abusive language, and complying with legal restrictions regarding the use of information resources as outlined in the Users Agreement and Code of Conduct.
Each user is required to read and understand the policies and procedures required by this school district pertaining to the use of electronic resources.
User Agreement and Code of Conduct
Users of electronic resources are expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner in accordance with the student code of conduct, policies of network access providers, and state and federal laws. All users of electronic resources in the Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Area Schools will be held responsible for their actions and activity. Unacceptable uses of these resources will result in the suspension or revoking of these privileges. Some examples of such unacceptable use include, but are not limited to
Using the electronic resources for illegal activity, including violation of copyright or contracts, harassment, or plagiarism.
Using the electronic resources of our school district for financial or commercial gain.
Degrading or disrupting equipment or system performance.
Vandalizing data of another user.
Wastefully using finite resources.
Gaining unauthorized access to resources or entities.
Invading the privacy of individuals.
Using an account owned by another user.
Posting personal communications without the original author's consent.
Posting anonymous messages or messages of a derogatory nature.
The knowing or inadvertent spread of computer viruses.
Attempting to get past DB-TC firewalls/filters or not reporting known ways of breaching firewalls/filters.
Deliberately sending, retrieving, or displaying text or graphics which may be construed as obscene or abusive.
Engaging in any activity that could be considered cyberbullying. "Cyberbullying" means any electronic communication that is intended or that a reasonable person would know is likely to harm one or more pupils either directly or indirectly by doing any of the following: substantially interfering with educational opportunities, benefits, or programs of one or more pupils; adversely affecting the ability of a pupil to participate in or benefit from the school district's or public school's educational programs or activities by placing the pupil in reasonable fear of physical harm or by causing substantial emotional distress; having an actual and substantial detrimental effect on a pupil's physical or mental health; causing substantial disruption in, or substantial interference with, the orderly operation of the school. MCL 380.1310b(10)(b)(c)
DB-TC students use Chromebooks (web-based laptop computers) extensively. Students whose families have paid for a Chromebook for one-on-one use may take them home for doing homework or family use. All other Chromebooks are school property, and must remain at school. Students may, in some cases, be permitted to sign out a Chromebook for completing homework, at a teacher’s request.
Disciplinary Action
Discipline will be based on the severity and frequency of the offense.
1. A student/user may be suspended from all DB-TC computer equipment for up to one year.
2. A student/user may be required to make full financial restitution.
3. A student/user may be banned from access to the internet.
4. A student may be suspended from school.
5. A student/user may be denied use of school and library computers.
6. The school may contact local law enforcement to investigate inappropriate use.
Electronic Resources Understanding
It is understood that Dollar Bay-Tamarack City Schools relies upon technology, electronic devices such as Chromebooks and computers, and the internet, for the education of its students, and that all students are expected to use these resources in school.
It is understood that parents have the right to bar their child(ren) from the use of electronic resources, and if the parents choose this option, it is their responsibility to communicate this with the school office, and to inform their child(ren) of this decision; it is the child(ren)’s responsibility to follow that choice.
It is understood that teachers will not direct students to use the school’s electronic resources for purposes which do not support the student’s learning. It is the student’s responsibility to follow the guidance of his/her parents regarding allowable use of electronic resources outside of class work time, and it is the parents’ responsibility to communicate this family expectation to the student.
Cell Phones
Students choosing to use their cell phone/electronic device before or after school, during lunch hour, or at school functions must abide by the Electronic Resources Policy. Students must connect to the DollarBayStudent network when on school grounds (i.e. students may not use alternate networks to circumvent DB’s web filters and access off-limits sites). Classroom cell phone policies must be followed. Students must keep their phone in their locker or place their phone in the bin when entering/at the start of class. Students may use their cell phones before and after school, during lunch hour, and during designated passing periods (not during mid-class breaks or during class, unless the teacher specifically states cell phones are allowed for part of class). If students use their cell phones or electronic devices in violation of school or teacher policy, the device will be confiscated. First offense: Teacher will keep it until the end of the day. Second offense: Principal will keep it until the end of the day, and an office discipline referral will be issued. Third offense: Principal will keep it until a parent/legal guardian comes (during normal school hours) to pick it up and discuss the problem. Fourth offense: Individual consequence (such as confiscation of phone for one month or barring student from having phone in school for the remainder of the school year). If a student refuses to relinquish his/her cell phone/electronic device upon request of a teacher, administrator, sub, or other school employee, it will be considered insubordination, and the student will be suspended from school for a minimum of one full day.
State law prohibits the use of any photo or video device in any restroom, locker room, or other location where students and staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy. A student improperly using any device to take or transmit inappropriate images (of self or others) will face disciplinary action which may include suspension, loss of privileges, or expulsion. Law enforcement will be called to assist in the response.
Elementary students are strongly discouraged from bringing cell phones to school. K-6 students will not be allowed to use cell phones during the school day, except under special circumstances, by agreement of the parent, teacher, and principal.
Agreement to the Acceptable Use of Technology policy is indicated in start-of-school student permissions.