Updated Covid Guidance - March 15, 2022
If a student or staff person tests positive for Covid:
-Isolate at home for the 5 days following the day of the positive test or onset of symptoms.
-Return on Day 6 if symptoms are improved (and you have had no fever without use of meds within 24 hours).
-Wear a mask Days 6-10.
If a student or staff person is a close household/family/personal contact to someone with Covid (regardless of vaccination status):
-You do not have to quarantine unless you are unwilling to wear a mask.
-Wear a mask Days 1-10 starting the day after your first exposure.
-Monitor for symptoms for ten days. If any Covid symptoms develop, isolate yourself, because you are now considered a probable case.
-Get antigen tested one time, between Days 3 and 7, and if any symptoms develop.
If a student or staff person has a school, community, or work exposure to someone with Covid (regardless of vaccination status):
-You do not have to quarantine.
-You do not have to wear a mask, unless you are with a high risk/vulnerable person.
-Monitor for symptoms for ten days. If any Covid symptoms develop, isolate yourself, because you are now considered a probable case.
-You should get antigen tested if any symptoms develop.