Click here for bond issue info. August 6, there will be a bond issue election. Residents will have the opportunity to vote on a $4.6 million project (a 3.5 mil increase) intended to improve and add...
Are you interested in watching senior graduation? Far away families and friends can watch live, thanks to our gymnasium camera! Sign up for a subscription ($9.95) through the NFHS Network! We will...
A date has been set for the annual Athletic Banquet- June 4th at 6 p.m. in the DB-TC auditorium. Buffet-style food will be served in the cafeteria, with the awards ceremony following. Please click...
Do you have a child that will be 5 years old by September 1, 2019?  If so, please call the school to get your child registered for the 2019-2020 school year, 906-482-5800, extension 2110.  
Due to heavy wet snow and drifting, Houghton County schools are closed for Friday, April 12.


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