The Foundation is a charitable, not-for-profit organization whose mission is to support students of the school system by funding requests made by the faculty or administration. The Foundation also sponsors several scholarships to graduating seniors each year. The Foundation is a group of alumni or citizens of the DB-TC area. The Board meets periodically throughout the year to organize fundraisers, alumni events, and review and approve monetary requests.
Our school system continues to improve scholastically by adding new courses, technology and a trimester course schedule that no other school district in the area offers. Please consider donating to the Foundation so that our school system can continue to provide an excellent educational experience to all of our students. We would appreciate any donation, large or small. Your monetary gift allows the foundation to contribute to the growth of our school system by purchasing items the district otherwise would not be able to afford. Your gift to the Foundation may qualify for a tax deduction on your federal tax return. To donate, please contact
We want to connect with all DB-TC alumni! Please update your contact info by filling out this form.